Monday, December 22, 2008

Sweet Cousins

This has to be one of my favorite pictures ever!! We were all at the lake, and took the munchkins to see the Christmas lights. Do they look just ridiculously sweet here, or what :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good Witch, or Bad Witch?

Ava was a witch for Halloween (yes...I know that was almost 2 months ago!), and every time someone asked her whether she was good or bad, she said "I'm a cute witch". Yea, but that still doesn't answer the question little monkey. She had her usual week or so of Halloween festivities at school/church, the club, the Arboretum...then she went trick-or-treating with Aidan. They were so cute :) She got to wear her costume to Dance class that week, which was a big deal...if you ask her! Here's a few pics.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fair Fun!

Last weekend we were supposed to go to Galveston (Crystal beach) with Dad and Pam for a little family vacation. That obviously didn't happen :( So, Dad and Pam came up to see us, and we went to the Fair and Arboretum. Both were so fun, and we got some much needed family time!! Ava loved the fair....between the rides, animals and food, she was in heaven!

We came home with a 3 foot tall Care Bear, who took over the stroller. They were everywhere, and of course Monkey had to have one. 10 games, and about $40 later, we had one. Everyone tried, and guess who won it....that would be me, Supermom!!

Sunday we had a picnic at the Arboretum, and let Ava run around...she loves that place. It is especially awesome in the Fall w/ all of the pumpkins!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Playing Catch-up!

I know I haven't updated this thing in forever, but promise I will try harder so everyone can stay caught up with the baby news. We had an ultrasound last week, and here's the 1st picture of Liam!

He's not even a pound yet, and has started kicking me like crazy lately. The whole time the tech was looking at him, he just hung out with his legs crossed and his hand in his mouth. She had to jiggle him around to get the money shot, but he is definitely a HE!!

We're thinking his full name is going to be William Ridge Deats. William is for both of our grandpa's, and Ridge was my grandma's maiden name. But we'll call him Liam for short! He's supposed to make his appearance Early Feb, but we all know that that doesn't mean anything!

That's about it in baby news :)

Little Miss Monkey has been busy with school, soccer and dance. She's going to preschool 2 days a week, and loves it. She's also playing soccer with her BFF/boyfriend, Grayson. They are too funny together. We're also doing a Mommy and Me dance class, which she hated the 1st week, but loves now. She can't take the real classes until she's 3, but has been telling me she's ready to go to the big girl ballet class. We'll see if she's still into it by then!

If I forgot to send this link out to anyone, her teachers post weekly updates from school. If you want see what she's been up to here's the website:

The password is CCDC (all caps).

That's it for now....hope everyone is doing well!