Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello Sleep!
I'm sure I'm posting this waaaaay to far in advance, thus completely jinxing myself...but I think Liam may have FINALLY become a good sleeper. Granted, my definition of good sleeper is probably so much different than most other people's. We were so spoiled with Ava, who slept through the night at 6 weeks, and was sleeping 12 hour stretches by 3 months. Liam, not so much. It took him a while to find a pattern, and he went through phases of sleeping great, then being up several times a night every couple of months or so. For the past few months he's only woken up once, but still wanted (not needed) a bottle. He'd take it in his crib and put himself back to sleep, so it's not like we were up for hours at a time at night. Had he been my first kid, I would have labeled him as a pretty darn good sleeper, but his sister had to go and ruin it for him. Still, I've been ready for an uninterrupted night of sleep for quite some time (a little selfish, yes....but much needed). We decided no more bottle at 3 am, and after 2 nights of a little fussing and overall "what the hell guys", he's over it and has slept from 8pm to anywhere between 6 and 8 am. This I can deal with. If he wakes up in the middle of the night tonight...I'm deleting this post!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Half Marathon Training: Week 4
This week started off with a run in the Hill Country. We were at the lake for the long weekend, and I decided to get up early before we left on Monday and run so that I could have a little change of scenery. Oh.My.Goodness. Up, Up, Up...flat for a second...Up some more...maybe downhill for just a bit...then repeat. It was definitely a change. I thought the hills in my 'hood were bad. It was good for me though! I did another treadmill run because of a crazy week, and have to admit that while I have been good about getting all of my runs in (as long as I've been healthy), I've really slacked off on strength training the last few weeks. I think I just got out of the habit while I was sick off and on, and was out of the gym. No more though, I am going to make myself really focus on it next week. Saturday my sister and I ran the Race for the Cure and had such a good time. I have to say that I was pretty proud of myself because I took a good 3 minutes off of my normal 5K time! It was definitely the atmosphere, and I ran it at about 28:45. Tiff did so great and finished in around 36 minutes. She never stopped and doesn't really run. She had gotten up to running 2 miles over the last few weeks, and I was so proud of her! It was for such a great cause, and I loved being a part of it. I raised a little over $ a big, huge THANK YOU to all of my friends and family that donated money. It is much appreciated!! Oh, and we saw Crazy Tracy from The Biggest Loser in the bathroom at Northpark before the race. She had definitely lost a ton of weight, but was yelling at her friends to "go, go, go". She was all decked out in her purple Biggest Loser gear. I wanted to ask her where her pink was ;)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
A couple of people I know do what they call "Wordless Wednesday" on their blogs. They basically post a fun picture, minus any captions or story, just for pure entertainment and admiration! I think it's such a cute idea, and asked if I could borrow the idea (because stealing is wrong, people!). It's a perfect opportunity for me to pop in a cute picture every once in a while without having to come up with any witty dialogue to go along with it. You can just use your imagination and make up your own if you're feeling creative! Hope you enjoy the first installment.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Half Marathon Training: Weeks 2 and 3
Quick, condensed update because I'm a little late doing this! Week 2 was just a repeat of week one. My 4 mile run that weekend was pretty pathetic because my foot was bothering me (turns out I have a pulled tendon...lots of icing and stretching, but no biggie) and I was about 8 hours away from puking my brains out. Week 3 was a bust because it took me so long to get over that stupid stomach bug. I didn't run again until Thursday and didn't even finish my 3.5 miles for that day. It was so hot and humid, and I just still wasn't feeling 100%. My 5 mile run this past Saturday was actually pretty nice though. The weather was great, I was finally feeling like myself and my foot didn't really bother me. I was so worried about finishing those 5 miles going into it because the 2 weeks leading up to it were just so bad...but I did it, and it felt really good!! 3 weeks down, 9 more to go :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
My Inner Child is All Kinds of Giddy!
Can I just say that I am a little too excited about "Where The Wild Thing Are"! Tiff and I are taking Ava to see it next weekend, and I'm looking forward way more than my 3 year old. Pathetic, maybe...but I do not care! The previews make me all goose-bumpy and bring out the kid in me :) On top of that, I've been listening to the soundtrack, which is seriously wonderful. It makes me want to sing and jump around in some fuzzy monster those even come in my size?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Finally back to normal...mostly.
After feeling like I was knocking on death's door (which looks a lot like my toilet bowl, if you are wondering), Pukefest 2009 has officially come to an end in our household. Saturday, Liam came down with whatever nasty stomach bug has been going around. We were hoping it was something else when we talked to the nurse, because it seemed to come and go within a few hours. Turned out that was not the case. By that night, Ava and I both had it and Jon had a house full of sickies to take care of. Then he got sick Sunday night, and while the kiddos were a little better...I was still feeling like death. Jon and Ava seemed to get over it pretty quickly, and it took Liam about 48 hours. Me, three freaking days! I swear these things try to kill me. Poor Ava basically had to fend for herself on Monday. She was a serious trooper. I guess it was inevitable that we were going to pick this up somewhere, since everyone we know has had it. Plus, we passed it along, which completely sucks. Now I plan to spend the next few days disinfecting and de-germing everything in my house. I should buy stock in Lysol and Clorox wipes.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Noodle Nose
...and cheeks, hands, eyes, hair. You get the picture! Liam is so over his bottle, and it's a pretty big struggle to get him to take enough formula each day. He wants his big boy food, and he wants it now! Last night I made Chicken Parmesan and thought I'd see how he did with some chopped up spaghetti. He was in heaven. He made a huge mess, of course, and I'm still finding noodles in places that I thought I'd cleaned...but he loved it! He shoveled handful after handful into his little mouth, and about half made it in. I think he was thankful for a little variety :)

That's one dirty, happy baby!
That's one dirty, happy baby!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Race For the Cure
My sister and I are running the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure 5K on October 17th! I'm so excited because this will be my first road race and it's for a wonderful cause. Plus, I get to do it with Tiff :) If you are interested in donating, sponsoring or participating, please visit their web page at:
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sticky Thought Thursday
I don't remember where I came across this, but you can go to and make your own sticky notes. I thought it was perfect since I always have a few random thoughts floating through my head that don't really warrant their own post. So, if I can remember each week, Thursdays will be my "Sticky Thought" days. Feel free to post your own random thought, vent or rant!


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