Ava started her first REAL dance class last week, and while there are always things that she does that make me proud, excited and all goose-bumpy, this is currently topping the list. If you know me at all, you can practically feel all of that oozing off of your screen this very minute at the thought of my daughter in ballet shoes! She is absolutely loving it as much as I am. She has always been a big fan of our little dance parties and getting her groove on in the back seat, so it will be interesting to see how she does in a more structured environment. No tu-tu's or pink leotards (can you imagine how that conversation went?). She has to wear a black leotard and pink tights, just like the big girls! One reason I just adore her teacher, Ms. Janie, is because she is all about teaching them how to be proper little ballerinas. That means being on your very best behavior and remembering your manners at all times, in the studio as well as at home. She is the sweetest, tiniest woman, but commands all of their respect and attention because they are simply in awe of her. She is, after all, a REAL ballerina! THANK YOU MS. JANIE!! I'll take all the help I can get in the manners department. Of course, when it's combined with arabesques, grand jetés, and pliés...well then it's all good in the eyes of most 3 year olds! Ava does all of those at least a thousand times a day; the grand jetés over a pillow for the full effect! It's adorable and hilarious, because they are so eager to learn but completely uncoordinated still at this age. Who knows how long she'll want to do it, but you know I'll encourage it as long as she wants to go :)
Walking up to class...shoes in hand!!

Just before she went in. What a cheeseball.

Circle time before class. Then Ms. Janie closed the door and they got down to business.
I can't wait to see home movies! I love dance class for kiddos!
oh that is sooo sweet! I can't wait to see home movies of her dancing like a ballerina!
so cute!!!
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