Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Little Fashion Icon

As well as her usual "must have" accessories, like her pink blanket, purple straw sippy cup, and baby doll, Ava has picked up a few more that she just can't seem to live without. More often than not, she's seen with a cell phone lately....we try to make sure that it's her play phone....but you know how that goes. The crazy thing is she knows exactly what it's for. She opens it, pushes buttons and puts it to her ear....then it's either "Hi Dada" or "Hi Tissssssy" (i.e. Aunt Tiffy).

She's loving purses right now too. Such a girly girl...where did that come from?? (I think Jon has some explaining to do.) It really all started with Tiff's purse...and that is still the favorite, but at this point any purse will do. She grabs a purse, brings me her shoes, and it's time to go!! Oh....but we can't forget those shades. Little Miss Thing cannot be bothered by the bright sunlight ;) At least she doesn't try to steal mine anymore! I have no clue where her crazy little personality came from (snicker away people)....but in addition to saving for college, I'm thinking maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to start a "Hollywood, Here She Comes" fund as well.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

V, she is SO adorable! Gotta love a girl who cultivates her love of accessories at an early age! When I strike it rich, Nestie Auntie Jenn (aka MrsEJ, this stupid thing wouldn't let me add to my sign-in name) will send her a Coach bag ;-)