Sunday, September 27, 2009

Half Marathon Training Week One: CHECK

So, I've officially started training for the half-marathon I'm running on December 13th. No more "training to train" or skipping workouts when I'm really not feeling all that into it. Although, I've been pretty good about to sticking to all of my scheduled runs the past few weeks to get myself into the habit. This week was not really anything new...a couple of 3 mile runs and a 4 mile run over the weekend. It took me almost 43 minutes to run those 4 miles. Not horrible, but I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm just slow. The only real change was that Jon was out of town all week, which meant treadmill runs during the week (blah). Oh, and I came down with some nasty, funky head/chest cold or sinus infection thing. I was cracked out on all kinds of over the counter stuff all week because that's all I could really do. I'm just glad that I didn't wuss out and skip any runs or workouts, even though I felt like total crap. It's funny to think back to right after I had Liam and I would run (if you could even call it that) on the treadmill, thinking how awesome I was doing, but the thought of running outside scared the bejeebus out of me. Now I despise that stupid treadmill. It's boring, and makes 3 miles seem like they take all freakin' morning. Crazy how that's changed in a matter of months! So, even diseased and left to fend for myself (clearly, I survived!), my first week was a success. Now to start all over tomorrow :) One week down, eleven more to go.

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