Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finally back to normal...mostly.

After feeling like I was knocking on death's door (which looks a lot like my toilet bowl, if you are wondering), Pukefest 2009 has officially come to an end in our household. Saturday, Liam came down with whatever nasty stomach bug has been going around. We were hoping it was something else when we talked to the nurse, because it seemed to come and go within a few hours. Turned out that was not the case. By that night, Ava and I both had it and Jon had a house full of sickies to take care of. Then he got sick Sunday night, and while the kiddos were a little better...I was still feeling like death. Jon and Ava seemed to get over it pretty quickly, and it took Liam about 48 hours. Me, three freaking days! I swear these things try to kill me. Poor Ava basically had to fend for herself on Monday. She was a serious trooper. I guess it was inevitable that we were going to pick this up somewhere, since everyone we know has had it. Plus, we passed it along, which completely sucks. Now I plan to spend the next few days disinfecting and de-germing everything in my house. I should buy stock in Lysol and Clorox wipes.

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