Friday, October 30, 2009

Hello Sleep!

I'm sure I'm posting this waaaaay to far in advance, thus completely jinxing myself...but I think Liam may have FINALLY become a good sleeper. Granted, my definition of good sleeper is probably so much different than most other people's. We were so spoiled with Ava, who slept through the night at 6 weeks, and was sleeping 12 hour stretches by 3 months. Liam, not so much. It took him a while to find a pattern, and he went through phases of sleeping great, then being up several times a night every couple of months or so. For the past few months he's only woken up once, but still wanted (not needed) a bottle. He'd take it in his crib and put himself back to sleep, so it's not like we were up for hours at a time at night. Had he been my first kid, I would have labeled him as a pretty darn good sleeper, but his sister had to go and ruin it for him. Still, I've been ready for an uninterrupted night of sleep for quite some time (a little selfish, yes....but much needed). We decided no more bottle at 3 am, and after 2 nights of a little fussing and overall "what the hell guys", he's over it and has slept from 8pm to anywhere between 6 and 8 am. This I can deal with. If he wakes up in the middle of the night tonight...I'm deleting this post!

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